Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name : Shri Muthi Lingam Date of Birth: 15 February 1922 Place of Birth: Suryapet in Distt. Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh) Marital Status: Unmarried Children: One son and one daughter (both adopted) Educational Qualifications :
Matriculation Educated at Suryapet and Government High School, Distt. Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh) and Aligarh University Course, Suryapet Profession :
Political and Social Worker, Industrial Worker, Trade Unionist and Journalist Permanent Address :
(i)13/3RT, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500001 (Andhra Pradesh) Tel. (040) 3313854 (ii) Suryapet, Distt. Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh) Tel. (08684) 20190 Positions Held :
1951-73Secretary, C.P.I., District Council, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh 1952-67Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1957-62Member, Estimates Committee, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1972 onwardsExecutive Member, C.P.I., Andhra Pradesh 1991Elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth) 1991-96Member, Consultative Committee, Deptt. of Rural Development 1992-95Secretariat Member, State Council, C.P.I., Andhra Pradesh 1996Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Member, C.P.I., National Council Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments :
Tamrapatra awarded Social and Cultural Activities :
Mobilising rural poor, toddy tappers, youth and students and unorganised workers to fight for their rights and acquiring land and houses for the poor; Organised agricultural workers
Special Interests :
International affairs Favourite Pastime and Recreation :
Reading, touring and socialisation Sports and Clubs :
Hockey and yoga Countries Visited :
U.S.S.R. Other Information :
Freedom Fighter; Founder of trade unions in Nalgonda; President, All India Toddy Tappers and Workers Federation; an Arya Samaj Organiser and Andhra Mahasabha activist

Election Result :
Nalgonda Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate14,27,026 Total votes polled 8,51,118 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates : (1) Shri Bommagani Dharmabhiksham (C.P.I.) 2,77,336 (2) Shri Indrasena Reddy Nallu (B.J.P.) 2,05,579 (3) Shri Gangadhar Tirunagaruu (I.N.C.) 1,99,282 (4) Shri Venreddy Narender Reddy [N.T.R.T.D.P. (LP)] 22,994
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