Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name: Late Shri Taranath Sarma Date of Birth: 1 March 1937 Place of Birth: Vill. Bali in Distt. Kamrup (Assam) Marital Status: Married on 20 April 1965 Spouse's Name: Smt. Geeta Sarma Children: Three sons Educational Qualifications :
M.Sc. (Chem.) Ph.D. (Organic Chem.) Educated at Cotton College, Guwahati and Guwahati University, Guwahati (Assam) Profession :
Teacher, Educationist, Political and Social Worker and Writer Permanent Address :
Anil Nagar, Rajgarh Link Road, Guwahati-781 007 (Assam) Tel. (0361) 512781 Positions Held :
1985 onwardsMember, A.G.P. 1986-90Administrator, Municipal Corporation, Guwahati 1996Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Books Published :
(i) "Lagna" a novel in Assamese and (ii) "Mukti" based on social and cultural issues Social and Cultural Activities :
Associated with a large number of social organisations and educational institutions as Secretary, President and Member; Member of Court, Academic Council and Executive Council of Guwahati University; Member, Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC); Ex-Secretary and President, Assam College PrincipalÕs Council; Former Asstt. Secretary and Treasurer, Assam Science Society
Special Interests :
Educational reforms and upliftment of the downtrodden people Favourite Pastime and Recreation :
Reading & writing articles and social work Sports and Clubs :
Interested in the establishment of clubs and forums to provide a route to social mobility
Other Information :
Lecturer & Head, Chemistry Deptt. in Colleges, 1960-77; Controller of Examinations, Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) 1977-78; Principal of Colleges, Goalpara College, 1978-79 and Pandu College, 1979-1996; interested in visiting countries and institutions around the world to interact and to work for creating a conducive climate for a better world without disparities among the nations and the people
Election Result :
Guwahati Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate11,70,068 Total votes polled 8,72,505 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates: (1) Shri Prabin Chandra Sarma (A.G.P.)3,72,833 (2) Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita (I.N.C.)2,58,436 (3) Shri Hiranya Kumar Bhattacharyya (B.J.P.)1,63,471 (4) Shri Achyut Kumar Goswami Thakuria (Ind.) 11,429
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